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As one the largest student organizations at UNC, with the responsibility of governing more than 9,500 students living on campus, the Residence Hall Association requires detailed official documents to outline its powers, responsibilities, and general structure.


The Constitution

The Constitution is the supreme law of the Residence Hall Association. It outlines the mandate of the organization, and also defines the duties and powers of the Executive Board and Board of Governors. All governors, executive officers, and members of community government are required to learn the Constitution in full, but all residents are encouraged to read and be familiar with this very important document.

Download the current RHA Constitution.


By-Laws (Treasury, Programming, Enhancements, and Collaboration included)

The By-Laws of the Board of Governors outline the policies and procedures for the daily operations of RHA and its subordinate community governments. The By-Laws provide for a variety of aspects of the organization, including weekly sessions of the Board of Governors and Executive Board, the elections process for community governors, standing committees, and the Ethics Board. All governors and executive officers are required to learn the By-Laws, and residents are encouraged to know them as well.

Download the RHA-Bylaws.


Covid-19 Temporary Amendments to Bylaws and Constitution

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, residents voted to pass temporary amendments to the bylaws and constitution that would adapt RHA’s governing documents to the current situation.

See the changes to the bylaws and constitution here: Executive Board COVID-19 Amendment